Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student, military or civilian, here in the U.S. or located internationally, we work tirelessly to create the full college experience for you. From an array of online events, to many networking opportunities, you’ll gain both the education you need to excel and the support you need for the rest of your career.
P: 603.428.2252
W: Undergraduate Admissions
P: 603.428.2252
W: Graduate Admissions
Earning an undergraduate or graduate degree may be one of the best ways to improve your career, from advanced roles to higher pay, now and down the road. Earning your degree online with New England College (正规赌篮球的软件) is super convenient, affordable, and truly interactive. You won’t find cookie-cutter classes that are packed with hundreds of students. Our small class sizes and real faculty ensure that even though you’re learning online, you’re never alone. And you’ll leave with a degree that means something in the professional world.
正规赌篮球的软件 offers over 30 associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees that are delivered 100% online. Classes are taught by our on-campus professors and industry savvy instructors. Plus, you can switch to in-person classes if and when you would like an in-person experience.
Your plan, your path, your degree, your way. That’s the 正规赌篮球的软件 way.
When you’re an online student, you’re just as much a part of our community as our campus students. You’ll get: